r ( 223 ) SERMON IX.. Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. 2 Pet. i. 7. And to Godlinefs, Brotherly Kindnef ; and to Brotherly Kindnefs, Charity. H A R I T Y is often reprefented in SFRM. the New Teftament as the fum and ix. the higheft perfedion of religion. St. <sv-.J Paul teaches us * that love is the fulling of the law. It comprehends all the particular precepts which relate to our neighbour, fuch as thou (halt not kill. Thou (halt not commit adultery. Thou (halt not fleal. Thou (halt not bear fálfe witnefs. Thou (halt not covet. And it is the belt and moll perfect evidence of the fincerity and the prevalence of all good difpofitions. This is the meaning of our Saviour's command to his difciples 'f', Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. In the foregoing verfes Rom. xiii. 8, to. 3 Mat. v. 48. he