Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. 22s- and to all the reft, brotherly kindnefs and SERM. charity. IX. Thefe two, brotherly kindnefs and charity, `'''-v-4 are reprefented in the fame manner, and with the fame diftinElion as different virtues ; the latter to be added to the former ; tho' the principle is the fame, an univerfal be- nevolence to mankind, differing only in its exercife, according to the diverfity of the condition and circumftances of the objet. The general law which our Saviour calls the fecond commandment, like unto the firft, which enjoins the love of God, is this, Thou 'halt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. And it appears plainly from our Lord's dif- courfes, particularly his parable in the i oth of St. Luke's gofpel, from the 3oth verfe, that by our neighbour, we are to underftand any of mankind to whom we have an opportunity of doing good offices, without diflin&ion of nation or religious profeffion; and elfewhere, as has been already obferved, by an injunálion more peculiar to himfelf, and to his own re- ligious inftitution, he extends the precepts of charity, even to our enemies and perfecutors. At the fame time, as he has laid a founda- tion of great intimacy among his own dif. ciples,