Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

336 Of-Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. S ERM. ciples, having united them all to himfelf IX. their head, as members of the fame body, by the fame fpirit, in one baptifm or religious profeíiìon, and one hope of their calling ; and in the relation of children to one God and Father all, who is above all, and through all, and in them ail, he therefore injoins them to keep the unity of the fpirit in the bond of peace. There are peculiar offices of love due from them to each- other, founded on that intimate union. The tendereft compaffion to the infirmities of the weak, bearing one another's burdens, in- ílruding, exhorting, ftrengthening, comfort- ing, and edifying each other. And as our bleffed Mafler enforces and recommends thefe mutual kind offices of chriftians, the members of his body by peculiar motives, thofe efpecially taken from his own example, and the love he has (hewn to us in dying the jufl for the unjufi, that be might bring us to God, fo he lays very great ftrefs on our fincere and faithful performance of them. This is the diftinguifhing badge of his true followers ; hereby, fays he, 'hall all men know that ye are my difciples, if ye love one another. But