Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. 229 ignorant, to reclaim the difobedient, to con- SERM. vert finners from the error of their way, to IX- ftrengthen the weak, comfort the feeble- minded, to encourage the fincere, and ex- cite them to growing diligence and zeal in religion; thefe are the nobleft offices we can pofiìbly perform to our brethren, becaufe they ferve the higheft ends, and produce the belt and molt lafting effects. And thefe are the charitable offices which the apoftles very often and with great earneftnefs recommend to chriftians ; as they feverely inveigh againit the contrary faults, and prefs all the difciples of Chrift to avoid them; fuch as offending, weakening, cenfuring, judging, defpifing, and grieving one another; particularly, the New Teftament urges two inftances of cha- rity, the forgiving of injuries, and forbearing the weak; that is, thofe of our fellow - chriftians, in whom we obferve pitiable in- firmities, not wilful and obftinate wicked - nefs, and errors not pernicious or inconfiftent with the very being of chriftianity. You will find it is the current dotrine of the apoftles, that we ought to pradife thefe conftantly; and they are prefs'd with the greateft warmth, and enforced with the ftrongeft arguments, taken