232 Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. SERM. the law and the prophets witnefs as duties of IX. perpetual obligation. And our Saviour, in- `' Read of diminifbing from the value and im- portance of them, preffes them with the greateft earneftnefs. In the account he gives of his own diftribution of rewards and pu- nifhments at the laft judgment, thefe he mentions as particular examples of the works he will liberally recompenfe; not fo as to ex- clude others, but to thew that they are in God's fight of great account. And let it be remembered, that we muft exert ourfelves in the pra ±ice of them according to our feveral abilities. For charity is not an una&ive af- fedion 'Tiling in the heart, but fhews itfelf with vigor in genuine beneficial fruits. The apoftle names puts fo plain a cafe that every man at firft hearing muft be convinced that the demands of charity are not fatisfied either by good wifhes or good words, without fub- ftantial good works. * Ifa brother or a filler be naked and djiitute of daily food, and one of you fay to them, depart in peace, be you warmed and filled ; notwithflanding ye give them not thofe ,things which are needf id for the body, what doth it profit ? Indeed it is equally unprofitable to the objeì and the * James ii. 15, i6. pretender