234 Of Brotherly Kindne/s and Charity. SERM. Phut up his bowels, harden his heart, and IX. hide himfelf from human mifery ? whether "v he is not felf- reproached when he refufes or withdraws his help ? and on the contrary, whether he does not find a real and fubftan- tial pleafure arife in his mind, a folid felf- approving and abiding joy which exceeds all the gratifications of fenfe, when he has freely and heartily ufed his power, and improved the opportunities that were given him for doing good, and imparting comfort to the needy? The greater ability, therefore, which divine providence gives any man of diffufing the effe&s of his virtue far and wide by re- lieving multitudes of his fellow- creatures, the larger occafion he has of enjoying the pureft pleafure, even like that of God himfelf, whofe happinefs is in communicating good ; for the abfolute perfe &ion of his nature raifes him above the pof ibilityofreceivingany. This is the higheft enjoyment which can arife from power and riches. What real benefit can there be in the mere poffeffion ? Solomon fays very juftly concerning wealth, that there is no good in it to the owner, fave the beholding it with his eyes ; a very poor enjoyment, Nay, he obferves, that riches often tend to the hurt of the poffeffor, which is always the