Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. 235 the cafe when they are abufed to the purpofes SERM. of luxury, of pride, and opprefiion. And IX. St. Paul * teaches us, that they who will be`'V rich, fàll into temptation, and a fnare, and into foolifh and hurtful lulls, which drown men in perdition. But when riches are em- ploy'd in liberality, and are the means of doing good, they then turn to the beft ac- count and bring in the fweeteft profit to the owner. All things in this world are fubjet to vicifíitudes, and, particularly, we fee every day changes in the outward condition ofmen; no mortal can be fecure àgainft this ; but in . all events the liberal man has the beft pro - fpeft. 131ef7èd (fays the Palm -) is he that confzdereth the poor, the Lord will deliver him in trouble, he will preferve and keep him alive, he (hall be bled on the earth. But though the goodnefs of providence is'in this cafe the chief fecurity, yet, in experience it is often found that the beneficence of good men has procured them fuch efteem in the world (it certainly has that effeft above all othér vir- tues) as has been very advantageous to them in a change of their outward condition. There- fore is I) Solomon's advice very juif, Call thy bread upon the waters, for thou (halt find it * s Tim. ri. 9. t Pt X1i. J-. 11 Ecclef. xi. i, z. after