Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

2.36 Of Brotherly kindnefs and Charity. SERM. after many days. Give a portion to fever:, IX.. and a fo to eight, for thou knowefl not what evil (hall be upon the earth. But if that ex pedation fhould fail, yet furely there will be a recompence at the refurretion of the juft, and what is lent to the Lord, he will cer- tainly repay in a future Rate. So that the belt improvement which can be made of the Mammon of unrighteoufnefs or fa yhood, that is, deceitfId riches, is what our Lord recom- mends, namely, to make fuch friends of it by works of charity and mercy, as when we fail fhall receive us into everlafling . habi- tations e. Secondly, Another obligation to the prac- tice of brotherly kindnefs and charity arifes from the objed of it, our brethren and neighbours, their condition, and the relation we Rand in to them. We are all brethren, derive our being from one origin, and partake of the fame common nature, and are liable to the fame frailties, indigence, and viciffi- tudes. f God has made men of one blood to dwell on all the face of the earth. And though his providence, which fixes the bounds of their habitations, and as Mofes expreffes it, has divided the earth among them, ap- * Luke xvi. q. t As xvii. 26. points