Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. 237 points a diverfity of Rations for them, fo that SEaM, the rich and the poor meet together, they IX ought to remember that the Lord is the maker Lr"") of them all. This confideration ought to unite their affeéions and engage their mutual help. How unnatural is difcord, or even indifference, among children of the fame fa- mily ? Now, the great parent of mankind has an equal intereft in every one of them. Do we acknowledge him the author of our being ? He is equally the author of theirs; which fhould infpire us with tender compaf- fion towards each other. If he has diftin- guifhed fome children of his hoúfe from others by his bounty, it is not that he would have others in more aPdiäed circumftances abandon'd to perifh, but as the apoftle fpeaks, in recommending beneficence to Chriftians, that the abundance of fcme might fpply the want of others. If an earthly father fhould make an unequal diftribution of his goods, himfelf Will living to fuperintend the affairs of the whole Family, it would certainly be under a law of kindnefs, and that the rich fhould not harden his heart and Phut his hands againfl his poor brother. Thus the living God who cares for ail, for they are equally the workmanfhip of his hands, has eftablifhed