244 Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. SERM. whole fcheme of his providence, that he is IX. good to his creatures, and particularly to i'"vim") mankind; that it is his gracious and kind in- tention they íhould be happy according to the meafure of their capacity. There is fuch an aptitude in things to that purpofe, fuch a fuitablenefs of objects and events without us, to our wants, our inward defires, and pro - penfities, fuch a confiant fucceffion of the former always anfwering the perpetual de- mands of the other, by which we í}i11 know in experience that good is done to us, no one can reafonably doubt but thefe objeas and events are defigned by providence as means in order to happinefs as the end. Therefore, to do good, to communicate happinefs to our fellow-creatures, as far as it is in our power, particularly, to thole of our own kind, is to do the will of God, and profecute what is ap- parently his intention ; fo that it may be juflly Paid that unmercifulnefs and with -holding help from the needy, is undoing, as far as we can, the work of God, defiroying what he intends to build, and oppofing rather than working together with him, and indeed, re- belling againft the univerfal law of the creation. But,