Of Brotherly Kindn f and Charity. 2 4 r But, Chriflianity is a doEtrine according to SERM. godlinefs; and this is the religion we profefs IX. as delivered from God by refus Chrili and `"..,,..,4 his apoftles. Now what are the evidences of refpeet to God which it prefcribes ? Every page almoft of the New Teftament is filled with earneft exhortations to charity, and the flrongeft and molt preflïngarguments are ufed to enforce it. Our Saviour lays fuch ftrefs on mercy to all men in diftrefs, and kindnefs to our brethren, that it is impoflible for any one to believe his declarations and confider them impartially, and not be convinced that without thefe qualifications he cannot be an approved difciple of Chrift. But, ef- pecially, the example of our great mailer is urged as a motive to this duty. The apoftle exhorting to a liberal contribution to the faints *, mentions it as what mull have a mighty influence on every grateful Chriftian's heart, ye know the grace of our Lord fefùs Chrift, that though he was rich, yet fir your fakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. Our bleffed Lord himfelf- in the days of his humiliation prac- tifed that charity which he recommends to his followers. Though it was neceffary for z Cor. viii. 9. R 3 him