Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

246 Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity SERM. him to appear in a very humble form, and IX. he was fo poor as to have no place of his own "'"v`J where to lay his head, yet out of the fmall fuftenance for himfelf and his difciples where -, with to provide the neceffaries of life, he always fpared fomething for the poor; and for this ufe there was a little treafury kept by one who always attended him. But, if he had not filver and gold, fuch as he had he freely gave, for he was continually employed in mi- niftring to the neceffities of mankind, in go- ing about and doing good, healing all manner of ficknefs and difeafes. Again, our Lord expref ly affures us that he will take kind of- fices to his needy difciples as the beft expref- fions of love to himfelf; for he will fay to the righteous at the laft day, Inafmuch as ye have done it (fed, and cloathed, and vifited) unto thefe my brethren, ye have done it unto me. This will then be the great fubjeâ of judicial inquiry, and according to the fruits of charity, or according to the want of them, fo will the rewards and the punithments of men be in a future Rate.. For be "hall have judgment without mercy that bath "hewed no mercy ; and mercy rejoiceth againfijudgment*, that is, God will furely punifh the unmerci- * James ii, 13.