Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Brotherly Kindnefs and Charity. 247 ful; but the compaßìonate and charitable re- SERM. joiceth in hope of his efcaping the judgment. IX. of condemnation. There is not any foun- wti dation on which a man can with greater con- fidence affure his heart before God, and com- fort himfelf in all changes of his condition. Thefe are the works which will bear a review with the greateft pleafure, and felf-approba- tion. With them yob comforted himfelf, and maintained his integrity and his hope in the greateft af$iEtion. In the chara ters given of good men in fcripture the pra Lice of charity is always a principal part. yob refleäing on his molt profperous fiate in the 29th chapter of his book, when he was in the higheft re- putation, fpeaks of this as what procured him the higheft and molt univerfal efteem, as well as it afforded the moll folid joy and peace to his own mind, at the i 2th verfe, I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherlefs, and him that had none to help him. The bring of him that was ready to perifh came upon me, and I mild the widows heart to fing fir joy. And, in the New Teftament, this was the excellent charaaer of Cornelius*, honoured with fingular favours from God, * MRs x, z. Rq, for