Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

( 249 ) SERMON X. Sincere Obedience the heft Prepara- tion for knowing the Truth. John vii. 17. If any Man will do his Will, he (hall know of the Doarine, whether it be of God, or whether I (peak of myJèlf H E public teaching of our Saviour SERM. very often produced admiration and X. aftonifhment in his hearers, though the generality of them were not converted. And as they could not help wondering at the wifdom with which he fpoke, it was a matter of great fpeculation and inquiry among them, how he came by it, confidering what they knew of his education. That a man, who had never been infiru ted in fchools, but brought up obfcurely in the family of a tradefman, without applying himfelf to the Rudy