2 s Sincere Obedience the bell Preparation SExrvi. Rudy of letters, fhould difcover fuch a fu- X. perior underftanding, and a thorough and ""'"v""' more exact knowledge of the law and the prophets than the moft learned fcribes had attained to; this was certainly a very amazing appearance. But the true folution of it him - felf gives in the words preceding my text: for when the yews marvelled, as at the 15th verfe, faying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? 7efus anfwered, My doeirine is not mine, but his that Pent me. It is not a do&rine of human learning and . wifdom, which I attribute to my own in- vention and induftry, thereby feeking to efta- blifh my reputation as a celebrated teacher, but immediately communicated to me from God, whofe glory I aim at in the effeEtual reformation of men, not to pleafe their cu- riofity, and acquire fame to myfelf. But, here a very important queftion arofe, How was this pretence fupported, and how did it appear that he was a meffenger imme- diately tent from heaven,, and divinely in- ftruted to deliver his dod rive to the world ? For if that were true, confequences of the greateft moment depended upon it, and he juftly claimed a greater refpea than what was due to the higheft human abilities and acquifitions,