for knowing the Truth. 251 a.cquifitions. For proof of it therefore, only SERM. two kinds of arguments could be adduced, X. and our Saviour infifted on both : The one, an external atteftation from heaven by a fignal divine interpofition for confirming what he faid. Thus, he appealed to the miraculous works which he wrought, demanding belief for their fakes ; and to the evident accom- plifhment of ancient divine preditions in him. He called upon the yews, to fearch the Scriptures, which they acknowledged to be divinely infpired, and the rule of their religion, and left the queftion to be decided by their teftimony. For, fays he, they are they which tflify of me*. The other ar- gument is taken from the nature and ten- dency of the do&rine itfelf. If it be agree- able to the principles of natural religion, and worthy of God as its author; if it aims not at the felfifh intereft of the teachers, but the good of mankind, by giving them juft fen - timents of the Deity, and of their duty ; if it contains the molt powerful motives to the praäice of every virtue ; this will prepare a well - difpofed mind to confider impartially, and receive readily the other argument, the external divine atteftation by miracles and prophecy, as plainly (hewing the interpo- John v. 39. fition