Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Mutual Edification, the Duty of Chrians. z3 by counteradting the light of their own con- SERM. fciences. When a cafe is fo hated that the I. ufe of our liberty has fo vaftly different and `'rte diredtly oppofite effe is upon our neighbour ; on the one hand, doing what we may think in itfelf not finful, tends to his edification in wickednefs, to his ruin, and fo far defeating the defign of chrift's death ; on the other, abftaining, which no man can judge unlaw- ful, tends to his edification in faith and virtue, and the prefervation of his integrity, to the faving of his foul, and the honour of the gof- pel ; when, I fay, a cafe is fo hated, what chrihian heart would not chufe the charitable fide and abhain ? St. Paul for himfelf carries his charityfo far as to declare, verfe 13, Where- fore, if meat make my brother toénd, I will eat no flefh while the world flandeth, left I fhould make my brother to offind. I conclude, that thus far to pleafe their neighbours for good to edification is a handing rule to chriftians in all ages, where the cafe is parallel to that hated and decided by the apoftle. But then we muft take care that the cafe be indeed parallel, that is that in a diverfity of opinions concerning the fame adtion, it is on the one fide known to be in- different, and on the otherjudged tobe fimply C 4 un-