Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Mutual Edification, the Duty of Chrians. as amity, and the fpiritual good of weak chri- SERM. ftians, efpecially, becaufe thofe weak chri- I. ftians judg'd them unlawful. But, if they Y`.1 had judg'd them only inexpedient their opi- nion could not affet him in the fame man- ner, and be an argument for his forbearing in compliance with them ; becaufe there the reafon doth not hold, offence is not given in the fcripture fenfe of the word ; no one can be fuppofed to be weakened in his belief of, and adherence to the gofpel, by feeing the profeffors of it do what he only accounts inexpedient; nor is an aaion only inexpedient, and not reputed in itfelf wicked, a temptation to prefumptuous wickednefs, as an example. Betides, if the rule to pleafe our neigh- bours were carried fo far, no man would know how to conduct himfelf, there'is fuch a variety and contradiction in the opinions of men upon the point of expediency, which de- pend wholly on mutable circumftances, there would be no certain meafures for our direc- tion ; that which fome efteem expedient, others efteem inexpedient; he that would pleafe all, muff find it impracticable, and fhould not know how to ad. And the truth is, in that way of proceeding, a chriftian would find himfelf poffefs'd of no liberty at 411,