Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Religious Converfation recommended. 391 agents, with infinitewifdom and uncontroula- SRAM. ble power, though many of them are fo XV. ftupid as not to fee him. And the effential L^^J rectitude and goodnefs of the Deity are to a well - difpofed intelligent being the moft amiable of all obje ks, contemplated with the greateft fatisfaEtion ; and the exercife of thefe perfeétions, as they are immutable, and always a&ive, is not doubted, even under the molt gloomy outward appearances, though it is not difcerned, or not attended to, by fuch as wilfully corrupt themfelves and darken their underftandings, fo that they cannot fee afar off. The fcriptures reprc ent in very ftrong terms the ignorance of bad men concerning God, and their inattention to his ways, as quite contrary to the fpirit which ruleth in them who fear the Lord, and to their way of think- ing ; they are faid to forget him ; and the Pfalmift tells us, * that the wicked through the pride of his countenance doth not frek after God : God is not in all his thoughts. The root of this ignorance and unthoughte fulnefs is difaffeaion. We know that what lien are difinclined to, they very little think. Pfalnx. Ç c 4 on?,