Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

^i Religious Converfation recommended. .m. on, and are eafily induced to difbelieve. Thus -V. the apoftle * Peter fpeaketh concerning the fcoffers, whofe true charmer is, they walk after their own lulls, that they doubted of, or denied, the truth of God's promifes, and the fìability of his counfels in the government of the world, becaufe they were willingly or wilfully ignorant of the proper evidence which might have convinced them ; and thus the author of the epiftle to the Hebrews empha- tically defcribes unbelief, not from weaknefs of underftanding, but the malignity of de- praved and rebellious difpofitions: it is an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God. Here then is the firft and a principal diftintion between the impious and atheiftical, and fuch as fear the Lord ; the former abandon themfelves to an utter neg- le& of God and his works, from an averfion againft his perfet purity and juftice; they fay to him in their hearts, depart from us, for we defire not the knowlege of thy ways; the other, the fearers of the Lord, make his name, his glorious perfeç`tions, his works, his judgments, and his precepts, the fub- z Pet. iii. 2I. jeft