Religious Converfation recommended. 393 jedt of their daily, ferious, and pleafing medi- SERM. tation. XV. Secondly, We may obferve in the behaviour v of them that fear the Lord, and as the ge- nuine fruit of that divine principle ruling in their hearts, that they fpake often one to an- other. The fubjedt of their converfation was furely the fame with that of their thoughts, the name of God and his ways. If they found themfelves obliged to keep their mouths as with a bridle, while the wicked were before them, to hold their peace even from good; if prudence required them to keep filence before the profane multitude, becaufe it was an evil time, their zeal fought an opportunity of expreílìng itfelf, and could only find it in the company of the few who were like - minded with themfelves, fincerely pious, filled with indignation againft popular profanenefs, and earneftly foliçitous to revive decayed re- ligion, at leaft, to fave themfelves from that untoward generation. As agreement in prin- ciples and affedtions, an union of interefts and defigns, naturally begets friendfhip amongít men, and is the foundation of mutual free- dom in communicating their thoughts to each ether, fo true religion particularly is the firmeft bond ß