Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

394 Religious Convei fation recommended. SERM. bond of union, the ftróngefl as well as the XV. nobleft cement of a lafting amity ; the kin, `v dred fouls who fear the Lord embrace one another with tender generous affection; they love with pure hearts fervently ; they are under a firift law of brotherly kindnefs, be- ing the children of one father, and heirs of the fame glorious hopes ; in the mean time ftruggling with the fame difficulties and fuf- ferings for one glorious caufe. This will de- termine them to take the opportunities of free converfation, and wherein they give vent to their common forrows and to their holy zeal, which burns as a fire while it is violently fuppreffed. And not only do pious principles thus exert themfelves; naturally, there is a great deal of reafon why good men fhoúld fpeak often one to another, in a time of abounding iniquity among others, becaufe it is a means of treñgthening the good difpofitions which remain in themfelves, and which otherwife may be in danger of being weakened and of perifhing at laft. There is nothing furely of greater importance to be preferved, no-, thing which requires greater attention and more confiant care that it may be improved, al4