Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Religious Converfation recommended. 3 95 and there cannot be a more natural and SERM. effeduál means for that purpofe than re- XV. ligious converfation. * As iron fharpeneth wv iron, fò doth a man the countenance of his friend; comforts him under fadnefs, re- vives his drooping fpirits, giveth a lively turn even to his underftanding, and quick - eneth his active powers. And, efpecial- ly, as religion more than any thing elfe in the mind laboureth againft oppofition both from temptations without, and our own infirmities, it needs and receives pe- culiar benefit by the affectionate counfel of pious friends ; and evil communication loth not more tend to corrupt good man- ners, than good communication doth far- ther to purify and raife them to perfection. Therefore Chriftians are earneftly exhorted by the facred writers to be aiding and affifting to each other in this refpet. The apofl:le advifes j- to take heed that there be not in any of us an evil heart of unbelief; and to prevent it, he adds, exhort one ano- ther daily while it is called to -day, l f any of you be hardened through the dec'eitful- nefs of fin : and exhorts that they fhould Prov. xxvii. r 7. He`-. iii. 12, 13. * hold