Religious Converfation recommended. SERM. * hold fàfi the profeffion of their faith XV. without wavering ; and for this end, that " -'they fhould not fòrfake the ambling of themfelves together, as the manner of Tome is, but confider one another, to provoke to love and to good works, and by mutual exhorta- tions to confirm each other in virtue, fo much the more, becaufe they fee the day of divine vengeance approaching, for that finners are ripening themfelves for deftruftion by filling up the meafure of their iniquity. We fee, then, the true reafon of Chriftians fhy- nefs in fpeaking one to another upon the af- fairs of religion, which is the faulty omiflion of a very important duty, an excellent means of increafing piety and virtue, manifeftly tending to their own great difadvantage; and it is no otherwife to be accounted for than by the weaknefs of good affe Lions. For, fince focial communication is natural to man- kind, indeed we could have very little relifh of life without it, and the greateft part ©f our enjoyments would be quite infipid, and it always is according to the prevailing difpo- fitions and inclinations of the heart, we may thus judge of the ftrength of our affections, * Heb. x. z3. for