Religious Convention recommended. 4.01 If we fhould even abftraá from the future SERM. recompence of reward, which yet is moa XV. firmly to be believed as unchangeably blifhed in the divine righteous counfels, here is a perpetual fource of joy and pleafure to the mind ; for how fmall a thing in corn- pardon is it to be judged of men, fince the molt perfe t and righteous of all beings fees and approves integrity of heart, however un- difcerned by them, and exerting itfelf with the greateft privacy. The next inftance of God's diftinguifhing regard to them that fear him, to their thoughts upon his name, and their religious confe- rences with one another, is, his remembring or keeping an exaFl record of them, thus ex- preffed, a book of remembrance was written before him. This, as the former part of the text already explained, is fpoken after the manner of men to Phew the infallible fecurity of the divine promifes made in favour of the righteous, and the reward that fhall be ad- judged to them, fully proportioned, nay 'greatlyexceeding all the good they have done. God hath no need of regiftries which human governments find themfelves obliged to have recourfe to, becaufe of the imperfe Lion of V o L. II. D d thofe