Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

4oz Religious Convei fation recommended. SERM. thofe to whom their authority is committed. XV. What confufion would enfue, how precarious ""v""" would the adminiftration of public juftice be, if the bufinefs of civil focieties were wholly entrufted to men's memories ? But God knows all things part and future as well as prefent with equal clearnefs. Nothing can efcape his memory, nor can there be any more uncertainty in his knowledge and remembrance than if the objefts of them werewritten before him in indelible charafters. This then is the meaning of his book of re- membrance ; his fpecial notice of the con - duet of his faithful fervants, his keeping their aftions in mind, and the undiminifhed per- fpicuity of his righteoufnefs and goodnefs in all his proceedings towards them. He is not unrighteous to forget their labour of love whichh they have (hewed to his name. With men, often both good and ill offices are for- gotten ; recent impreßïons are ftrong, the aft-et-lions and paffions are engaged, prompting to retaliate ; but thefe impreßìons abate, and at Taft wear off, fo that they produce no effeft. With God it is quite otherwife; he is liable to no emotion, no paííion ; all his meafures are direfted by perfeft reafon which fuffers