Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Religious Converfation recommended. 4o3 fuffers no diminution of its force by length SERM. of time ; and particularly he is not flack XV. concerning his kind promifes to them that him, however they may be tempted to fufpeEt the contrary by appearances which mayintervene before the accomplifhment, and how long foever it may feem to be delayed ; for this we fhould not be ignorant of, that a thoufnd years are with the Lord as one day, and one day as a thou nand years ; time makes no change in his mind or in the mea- fures of his conduct, and with him there is no variablenefs or fhadow of turning. The next, and the concluding inflance of God's diftinguifhing regard to them that fear him and think on his name, is the promife that they (hall be his when he maketh up his jewels, and he will /pare them as a man fpareth his own fin that ferveth him. The great and effential article of religion which good men build all their hopes upon, which infidels deny or doubt, and all bad men fo negle±t that it is not the principle by which they form their tempers and conver- fation, is, that God as the moral governor of mankind will finally feparate between the righteous and the wicked, adjudging the for - D d 2 mer