Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

404, Religious Converfation recommended. SERM. mer to complete happinefs, and the other XV. to everlafting deftrudtion from his prefence `"`'and the glory of his power. For this Chriftianity teaches that there is a particular time appointed or a day fixed in the di- vine counfels, and that the judgment (hall be executed with great folemnity, before the whole world of intelligent beings, a vaft affembly, by the Lord yefus Chr, whom the Father hath commiffioned for that pur- pofe. At prefent, the good and the bad live together in one promifcuous Rate of pro- bation, without any vifible univerfal diffe- rence in their outward condition, which is reprefented in fcripture by a variety of allu- fions ; they are like trees, profitable and un- profitable, in one vineyard ; like corn and chaff lying in one heap till the houfeholder giveth orders to winnow, and then the corn is laid up in his barn, while the chaff is burnt with unquenchable fire; like wheat and tares growing up in the fame field till the harveft, when the reapers gather the wheat to be preferved, and bind the tares in bundles to be confumed. The expreßion in the text hath the fame meaning, and refers to the fame time in its principal fenfe; for God will