Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Religious Converfation recommended. 405 will then molt eminently make up his jew- SERM. els when he gathers the general afiembly XV. and church of the firft-born whofe names "-Y'4 are written in heaven; when all nations (hall be affembled before him, and he (hall fe- parate them, the one from the other, as a fhepherd divideth his (beep from the goats. When he (hall fay to them on his right hand, Come, you ble el of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun- dation of the world, and (hall fay to them on his left, Depart, ye turfed, into ever - lafling fire prepared for the devil and his angels. There are fome differences between the conditions of men even in this world, made by the interpofition of God himfelf as righ- teous governor, and they may, perhaps, be comprehended in his making up his jewels. A very eminent diftin&ion was made in fa- vour of Noah, when he and his family were faved from the flood which deftroyed the world of the ungodly ; and the deliverance of jufl: Lot, whole fòul was vexed with the filthy Cnverfation of the wicked every day, I fay, his deliverance from the fire which confirmed Sodom, as the fcripture relates it, was