406 Religious Conver /ütion recommended. SERM. was certainly a very remarkable difpenfation. XV. Although God's moral government; fo far "--was it is adminiftered in this Rate, and with- out reference to the future judgment which completes it, is but an imperfe ± fcheme, yet hath not God left himfelf altogether without witnefs of his juftice in fuch me- morable inftances as thefe juft now men- tioned, in which the fcripture exprefily faith, fome are Jet forth as examples, /ùfjèring the vengeance cf eternal fire. So St. iude fpeaketh concerning the deftrution of So- dom, from which overthrow others were Paved. At leaft, it feems evident enough that the laft words of the text relate to the prefent ftate,: I.will fpàre them, faith the Lord, as a man pareth his own fin that ferveth him: which cannot fo properly be under- flood concerning the final and unchange- able happinefs he will confer on them at the laft day as their complete reward, as concerning that Ienity and indulgence with. which he tt'eats them in their Rate of im- perfedion, when he (hews tender compaf- fion for their unallowed infirmities, and doth not ftri tly mark their failures. It is now that