Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

42 Sincere Obedience neceffary to SERM. gifts and yet want charity, which is of the II. very eßënce of religion. But we have exam, of it in fad ; Judas, one of the worft of men, whole name is tranfmitted with in- famy through all ages, under the odious cha- rafter of a perfidious traitor, and the fon of perdition, even he was numbered with the apoftles, and had a part in their extraordinary miniftry, and was endued with the fame pow, ers as the mil, of healing the fick, carting out devils, and working other wonders juft as be fore himBalaam,who was a very bad man, loved the wages of unrighteoufnefs, and entered into the molt wicked contrivance for debauching the Ifraelites, thereby to bring judgment upon them ; this man was honoured to be a true prophet of the Lord. Indeed thefe gifts have long ago ceafed, and there are none now who can claim the kingdom of heaven under this pretence, that they have prophefied and call out devils. But frill there is a diverfity of Rations, and there are different degrees of ufefulnefs among the members of the chriflian church ; as among themembers of the natural body, force are more, force lefs honourable; and it may enter into the minds of fuch as are in the higher fpheres of aftion, diftinguifh'd by popular applaufe, and more diftinguifh'd in