our Acceptance with God. 47 prophets, and at laft by his Son. He gave SERM. his fatutes and his judgments to Ifrael; and II. more clearly by his grace, that bringeth fal -`"v " cation, which hath appeared to all men, he has taught us the feveral branches of our duty ; of fobriety, righteoufnefs, and god - linefs. This being the will of God revealed to us fo plainly, the queftion is, in what fenfe it is to be done that we may enter into the king- dom of heaven ? and a confcioufnefs of the infirmity which cleaves to us all, fo that in many things we offend, will lead us to in- quire for a more favourable interpretation to give us any ground of hope, than a peefet unfinning obedience : for if God íhould en- ter into judgment, and be ftrift to mark all the failings of the heft men, no flefh living could be juftified in his fight. Here it is that the gofpel relieves us, by declaring the rcmiflion of fins to the penitent, and the di- vine acceptance. It denounces indeed the wrath of God againft obftinate wilful tranf- greffors ; and declares that they fhall not in- herit the kingdom of heaven : but makes fa- vourable allowances for indeliberate failures and infirmities, which are infeparable from the prefent Rate of imperfection. Indeed, the