52 Sincere Obedience necejfary to SERM. of the divine precepts is to work iniquity, fo H. as to expofe ourfelves to this fentence of Chrìft t."-' gat the laft day ; Depart from me, I know you not : to offend thus in one point is to be guilty of all: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor eféminate, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, (hall inherit the kingdom of God: if a man habitually indulge himfelf in any of thefe vices, though guilty of none of the reif, he is as certainly excluded as if he were aban- doned to them all ; the latter may be more criminal, and puni4hed with greater feverity, but one wound may be as furely mortal as a multitude; and by the plain exprefs declara- tions of the gofpel, the wages of every deli- berate fin unrepented of, and unreform'd, is death. A perfevering continuance in well doing, is alfo neceffary to our obtaining eternal life; to them only which endure to the end, is the promife made that they íhall be faved; but if any man draw back, faith God, my Soul (hall have no pleafure in him : and the pro - phet has exprefsly affured us in his name *, When the righteous man turneth away from his righteoufhefs, and committeth iniquity, and * Ezek, xviii. 24. doth