Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

The Cailles and Danger of Self- Deceit. 7S Cher free from it, that is, who is not in fome SERM. particular inftances milled in judging of him- III felf and his own conduet, through remaining felf - partiality, and felf-ignorance. David in the belt Rate of his mind, and when we have no reafon to believe he was under the power of total darknefs, made this his earneft prayer to God, and every good man will be ready to join with him in it. * Who can underfland his errors? cleanfe thou me from fecret fruits. I do not doubt but there is fome fecret biais upon my mind through felfifhnefs, which cleaves çlofe to me, though Ihave not yetbeen able to make a particular difcovery of it; and therefore, I befeech God to forgive, and de- liver me from it, as he knows I am fincerely difpofed to find out and abandon it; and that I do not wilfully allow or indulge myfelf in any fuch thing. Indeed, this feeins to pafs univerfalIy for the infirmity of men with- out any reproach to their general chara &er for it is allowed that no one, be his charaEter ever fo good, is intirely to be depended on in his own caufe ; though it is taken for granted that he would not defignedlyprevaricate, even upon his own account, yet Bill it is ftippofed that felfifh interefts and affe&ions will in Pläfms xix. ta. fonje