The Caufes and Danger of Self - Deceit. 77 words have no relation at all to the fubje ± of SERM. felf- deceit, as appears from the context, III. where theprophet is diffuading the yews from, `"Y"'"4 and (hewing the folly of, putting their truft in men, the fincerity of whofe friendfhip is not to be depended on, more than their ftrength ; for that the hearts of men, many of mankind, are deceitful and defperately wicked. I have (hewn already, that we never are neceffarily felf-deceived, but always voluntarily and by our own fault; and that unhappy Bate of mind is onlyincurr'd through the prevalence of evil affeálions, and a moll fiupid inattention. But though fome hearts may be fatally harden'd through the deceit - fulnefs of fin, that does not hinder but that there may be fuflicient clearnefs and certainty in the teftimony of confcience to fincere minds, and they have no reafonable ground of doubt or fufpicion concerning their own integrity, and the fafety of the way in w hich they walk. Of this we have many plain in- fiances in fcripture; the fervants of God fpeak of it in very ftrong terms, and even with full aff'urance ; they were altogether fatisfied that they walked before God in truth and with perfeel hearts; they rejoiced in the teftimony of