Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

7g The Caull and Danger of Self- Deceit. GERM. of their confciences that in fimplicity and III godly fincerity, they had their converfation in this world. They 1- knew whom they believed and were perfuaded he wasableto keep that which they committed to him again that day. The object being fo intimately near, even within ourfelves, and the evidence fo imme. diate (for it is the teftimony of our own hearts) one would think we fhould have the greateft certainty, and be leaft liable to de- ception in judging of the internal light, or the Bate of mind itfelf ; for there can be no doubt concerning what we are confcious of, and there is nothing the foul perceives fo clearly as what it perceives by looking into itfelf. This in general is true ; but there is a difference in the objects of our confcious perception, fuch as are the moft fimple are the moft certainly known. There is nothing we difcern fo diftinctly, and our knowledge excludes all pofiibility of doubt, as our own wnb ig, our powers, and operations. But ere the object of felf- reflection is complex, as in the moral Rate of the foul, confidering how imperfect we are, and that there are con- trary tendencies even within our hearts, there is a poffibility, nay and a danger of miflakes, * z Cor. i. i z. z Tim. i. i z. And