(I) SERMON I. Mutual Edification, the Duty of Chrians. Rom. xv. 2. Let every one of us pleafe his neighbour, for his good to edification. ST. Paul in his epiftles very often re- SERM. commends to chriftians a folicitous I. care every one for their own edification, 'f'`/ and not only fo, but that they fhould ufe charitable endeavours to edify one another. For this he fhows that the facred miniftrations were inftituted, and a great variety of ufeful gifts beftow'd upon the church, when our Lord Jefus afcended up into heaven he gave gifts unto men, he gave f me Ap jiles, and fame Prophets, and Tome Evangel fis, and forre Pa/lors and Teachers. For the perfecting of the faints, for the work of the minry, and for the edifying of the body of Chrifl . But, Eph. iv. t t, t >.. VOL.II. B the