(6) SERMON IV. Of Chriftian Fortitude. 2 Pet. i. 5. And betides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, know- ledge; and to knowledge, temperance ; and to temperance, patience ; and to patience, god - linefs ; and to godlinef , brotherly kindne fs; and to brotherly kindnefs, charity. ,SEAM. HE apoftle having, in the preceding IV. verfes, (hewn the great things which ;0".") d God hath done for chriftians, his divine power has given them all things that pertain unto life and godlinefs;, he bath called them to glory and virtue; rather it fhould be ren- dered, by glory andvirtue, meaning the glorious effufion of the Holy Spirit on the apoftles, and the mighty powers thereby communicated to them, which were a great confirmation of the gofpel ; as a farther illufiration of the fa, vour cantered upon us, the Father and his Son