94 Wifdom the Strength of the Mind S E R M. view other objefts, or even the grievous ob- IV. jet itfelf on all fides ; whereas the proper exercife of the rational powers is, in confi- dering calmly and deliberately what is pre - fented to the mind, efpecìally, which nearly concerneth its own intereft; attentively viewing all its properties, relations, and ten- dencies, comparing fedately all things which may enlighten the counfels of the heart, and fo prepare for a juft concufion. And, furely, the mind is weak and difeafed, when the underftanding is not rightly exercifed; for that is the glory of man, the leading fa- culty of the foul ; according to the direction of which, and the re£ult of its deliberations, every thing muff be regularly done, both for the purpofes of duty and happinefs. idly, In purfuance of this, the counfels of the mind are full of perplexity. How- ever unprofitably and indeliberately, yet íii11 it thinketh on the difagreeable object, and cannot be diverted from it ; its thoughts are attended with a great deal of difturbance and confufion, but as little light as comfort; for, if the paflions darken the underftand- ing, they quicken the imagination, which during their prevalence is exceeding fruitful, continually employed in forming images of the