Tot Tfiifdom the Strength of the Mind. S E R M. work together for good to them that love IV. God. And as the foul of man, confcious of its fpiritual nature and independence on the perifling body, and of its natural defire of immortality, extendeth its prefaging views to an eternal Rate, and can never be tho- roughly fecure againft fear, without fome good profpe& of a future felicity ; this is the compleat confolation and fupport of the good or the wife man ; he rejoiceth in the hope of the glory of God, in the midit of fur - rounding calamities ; and when there is no hope of evafion this confidence is not abated. yob refolved, therefore, that though God fhould fay him, yet he would trufl in him; which, surely, mutt import an expectation of favour from him after death. The chri- flian religion propofeth this to us more clearly, for our Lord Jefus Chrifl: hath brought life and immortality to light through the gofpel; and therefore the very reafon the apoftle giveth, why we faint not, though cur outward man perifheth, is, becaufe we look not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not feen ; for the things which are feen are temporal, but the things which are not feen are eternal, What