Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

The Favour of God obtained by Wifdom. 117 ledge of wifdom, there (hall be a reward, and S E R M. our expeNation( hall not be cut of But here V. he afcertaineth the reward, and mentioneth particularly what it is, namely, the favour of the Lord. I (hall, Firfi, Endeavour to (hew how great, how fubftantial and comprehenfive a felicity this is. Secondly, The title which wifdom, or reli- gious virtue giveth to it ; or upon what ground we may expect, according to the declaration in the text, that if we find wifdom, we (hall obtain the favour of the Lord. Firft, To (how how great, how fubflan- tial and comprehenfive a felicity this is. And one would think it will be eafily allowed, if we confider our moll: obvious notions of the Deity ; that idea which all his works, and more particularly the holy fcripture, give us of him, as a being infinitely perfect and all,. fufficient, the fountain of life and of hap - pinefs. We judge of the importance of any perfon's favour, and of the fecurity and ad- vantage which may arife to ourfelves from it, by his power and capacity. The defire 13 even