Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

The Favour of God obtained by [rfdóm. 29 as I love, I rebuke and chaßen. On this ac- SE R Ma count it is that chriftians art reconciled to V. their prefent fuffering, and even glory in their tribulations, becáufe they know that tribula- tion worketh patience, and patience experi ence, and experience hope, Rom. v: 3. The apoftle games therefore exhorts chriftians to count it all joy when they fall into divers tempta- tions, knowing that the trial of their faith worketh patience, fames i. 2: and St. Peter, z Ep. i. 6; 7. faith to the petfecúted chri= ffian yews, re greatly rejoice, though now for a fea/òn, if need be, ye are in heavinefs through manifold temptations ; that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold which perifheth, though it be tried by the fire, may be fund to praife, and honour, and glory. As God intended that forne of hi fervants fhould, for his honour, and pro- moting the intereft of truth and pure reli- gion, be rare examples of thofe virtues which efpecially thine in tribulation, as patience, fortitude, meeknefs, and charity ; and in- tended for them a great reward, it was fit he fhould appoint for them a proper fcene wherein thofe virtues might be eminently difplayed, that is, infirmities, reproaches, perfecutions, and difireffes. VoL. till:; K Ent,