Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

1 130 2he Favour of God obtained by Wi/dour. S E R M. But, in the third place, the perfectly fa- V fying anfwer to the objefion, is, that the greateft diftindion between good and bad men is to be made in another Rate ; and then the reward of the righteous will be fo complete as to make amends for all their toils and forrows in this world. It is con - liftent with the greateft love of God to fub- je t his creatures, even though perfectly in- nocent, to very grievous fufferings, when he not only hath it in his power, but hath ac- tually purpofed and declared it, that he will recompenfe them fufficiently by a propor- tionably greater felicity afterwards. The molt glorious example of this is our Lord Jefus Chrift, who though holy, harsnlefs, and undefiled, and feparate from (inners, fuffered unutterable griefs, yet without any diminu- tion of the Father's love to him, which abundantly (hewed itfelf in the fulnefs of joy that followed, and his exaltion at the right-hand of the majefty on high. Thus although good men are obnoxious to many calamities in life, it doth not follow, that therefore they have not obtained favour of the Lord, becaufe the favour of the Lord is not a principle which exerteth itfelf necef- farily but freely, and the manifeftations of it are ÎI