Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

, I' I ., i 4 2 Long -life, Riches, and Honour, SE x M. to the gofpel. It is certain that by the ce. VI. venant God made with the people of Ifrael, `' ' and that is the foundation the Old Tefta ment writers go upon in their doEtrine; there was an eftablifhed connexion between obedience and outward profperity ; the land of Canaan, and an undifturbed fafety in it, with fuccefs againft their enemies who fhould at any time invade them ; thefe blef- fangs were pofitively promifed to that na_ tion, upon the condition of their keeping God's law. Accordingly we find in their hiftory, that whenever they declined to ido- latry and other fins, defolating judgments brake in upon them, their enemies trium- phed, their country was wafted, and they were brought into bondage. On the other hand, no fooner they repented, returned to their God and to their duty, reformed their manners, and pra6tifed piety and righteouf- nefs, than immediately there was a change in the fiate of their affairs, which prefently were in a flouriíhing condition, their adver- faries fell before them, their loies were re- paired, and God eftablifhed them in the quiet poffeffion of the promifed land. And as thefe were the meafures conflantly and uniformly kept with the whole nation, the conduct