Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

the Fruits of Wifdom. 143. condu& of providence towards particular SE R M, perfons was not always, but for the molt VI. part, agreeable to them. The moll: righte- ous men, and of the moll exemplary lives for piety and virtue, were profperous, and, according to the declaration in the text, had length of days, riches, and honour. Abra- ham, from a fmall beginning, grew to a great eftate ; Jacob alfo, Jojeph, yob, Mofes, David, Daniel, and others, men of the molt diftinguifhed worth, and the molt il- luflrious characters we meet with in the Old Teflament hiftory ; though fome of them had very grievous trials, (as the whole lfra- elit nation had, which is not inconfiftent with the promife of external profperity made to them, lince that was the event) yet, in the main, their lives were rather happy than aficled, and the difficulties they met with in the beginning ended in their profperity. But the New Teftament differeth from this very widely, both in its general decla- rations, and the inftances of fact which its hiftory containeth. Our Lord affureth his difciples, all who will embrace his religion, and fubject themfelves to his rules, that they muff expert tribulation, and through it en- ter into the kingdom of God : He requireth of