the Fruits of Wifdom. 153 ter, Num. xii, 3. That he was very meek S E x M above all the men which were upon the face VI. of the earth. And in lower inftances, where nothing miraculous can be pretended, it is known in experience that a ferene difpaffionate mind contributeth very much to the prefer - ving a firm and healthful habit of body. It is alfo worthy of our obfervation under This head, that benevolence and the focial virtues comprehended in it tend to fecure life againft that foreign violence to which the unjuft, the cruel, and the inhumane, are obnoxious. It is certain that, next to the providence of God, the greateft fecurity of our being in this world againft external dan- gers is in the good will and kind offices of our neighbours ; as the greateft hazard arifeth from them, if they are ill affeted towards us. Men in a regular fociety and in peace, are the guardians of each others fafety, and their united affeäions are their common de- fence ; as, when it is otherwife, they are the moft dangerous enemies to one another. Now, what is it that will moft effectually procure the good -will and efteem of men, and confequently fcreen our lives againft any danger from their injuries ? Certainly, the practice of the focial virtues. A man who is known by the general tenor of his life and aitions