the Fruits of Wifdons. 155 having it in their power to gratify their fen- S E R M. fual inclinations. There are but very few in VI. comparifon, who covet wealth for its own fake, and heap up treafures only to behold them with their eyes, as Solomon fpeaketh elfewhere, or to enjoy the fordid pleafure of poffefiìng them without any regard to their ufe, which is the fpirit and charafter of a miter. Men have generally an eye to fome future ufe of their riches, and indeed not only to themfelves but others, though very often the purfuit of them is attended with a finful an- xiety, with a narrow felfifh fpirit, and both the purfuit, and poffeffion accompanied with an undue confidence in them, and a haughty contempt of thofe, it may be, of greaten merit, who are in a lower condition. Thefe are the abufes of wealth ; but we may confider it in another view, and fuch a one, as it may well be attributed to the bounty of providence and lawfully fought after ; that is, firft, as the means of living eafy, and enjoying the comforts of this world with moderation. Nature teacheth, and religion doth not forbid it, that we fhould endeavour to render our condition in this world tolerable, to be above penury and pinching wants ; not above the need of ho- neft induftry and frugality, which is really 4 a vir-