confidered under the Notion of Wîfdom. 7 sinning of wifdom ; and it is explained thus, S E x M: the knowledge of the Holy is underflanding. L They are religious things about which it is° converfant ; the deepeft penetration in other matters, the higheft attainments in human fciences and arts, and the exacteft judgment in the affairs of this world, will not intitle any one to the character of wife, according to the doctrine of this excellent author; but an acquaintance with divine objects, and with the duty we owe to God, is, accord- ing to him, the trueft underftanding. Nei- ther is it meer fpeculative knowledge even of religion he .meaneth ; the infrudions of wifdom do all tend to practice ; and the conformity of our lives to its rules is that only which will denominate us wife men in Solomon's account, Prov. xxviii, 7. Whofo keepeth the law, is a wife fon. Befides thefe general declarations, which are very cocnprel,enfive, taking in every part of our duty, and which plainly Phew the defign of the Proverbs is to reprefent the wifdom of univerfal righteoufnefs ; the cha- racter of wifdom is applied to particular vir- tues, and it is Paid to confift in them, as in the text, ver 3. To receive the inflruc` ions of vdona, juflice, and judgment, and equity. B 4 Juftice