Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

thé Fruits of Wifdoan. 16 í The hand of the diligent (hall bear rule, but S E R M. the flothful(hall be under tribute. And chap. VI. musti xxii. 29. Safi thou a man diligent in his bu- `'Y (nefs, he (hall hand before kings, he (hall not hand before mean men ; and by a repu- tation for juftice, generality, and other vir- tues : Still underftanding this not as infallibly certain, or as if it were fecured by the fanc- tion of the divine laws; like the future re- ward ; fometimes we fee, on the contrary, the wicked great in power, and the vileft of men exalted, furrounded with the applaufes and acclamations of an ignorant and vicious multitude, as perfons of the fame character acquire great riches : But it is not always fo; and in the nature of things, and ordinarily, wifdom or virtue is as profitable and likely a means for thefe purpofes, as any other; and more ; nay, it is plain, that often men, really the molt corrupt, find themfelves obliged to put on the appearance and dif- guife of virtue, of fobriety, of juftice, and honefty, in their way to riches and honour. But in another fente honour is the more certain effect of wifdom or religious virtue, becaufe virtue itfelf ma.keth the very cha- racter which is honourable, or the fubject of efteem ; for men are neceffarily deter- mined to approve moral goodnefs wherever V o i. III, M they