Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

',p.. `i.. 170 The Love of Wifdom i E R Al. natural exertions of it towards any objet VII. (and we cannot but be fenfible of it, if we attend to what paffeth in our own minds) we may underhand how it operateth to- ward every obje& to which it is applied; which is only Paying in other words, with refpedt to the prefent fubjed, that, as in all other cafes, the love of wifdom fheweth it. Pelf by a high efteem, by fervent delires, and by a fincere delight in its ways. Various are the methods by which the objet s of affe &ion are introduced into the mind, fome wholly by the fenfes ; no fooner the object is prefented, than, according to natural inftint, the affeEtion is railed, pre- venting any reflexion or confederation. Of this we have many inftances, and indeed, not only the delire of private good is thus excited, but our affection to other beings, a complacency in their happinefs, or a vigo- rous inclination to do them good as far as it is in our power. Thus, for inftance, if we fee any of our fellow- creatures in diftrefs or danger, how natural is companion, and how ftrong a principle, often prevailing even againft private intereft, and the call of felfifh inclinations ? How quickly, and without any reflexion at all upon the rea- fonablenefs of it, or confidering at all that 5 it